You need - or Solflare - for using the web
Send something to - Colibri.sol - if you support this project
Welcome to this page and enjoy its content!
The page is still under construction and there are sections and ideas that are not implemented.


What do I need to use the web?

This page makes use of the application Phantom to enter as a user. You will need to have any browser that supports it or have the mobile application of Phantom and enter the web through the mobile application. Click on any word Phantom of this section if you don't have it and want to know what it is. You will create a cryptocurrency wallet with an address for the Solana network; that address will be your user on this website.

But it will not only help you to have the wallet, as it is focused on something as specific as the game of Star Atlas, without entering or registering you will be able to see information about the game and its ships or objects. If you also buy an object or a ship you will be able to see and register them, being able to do more actions in the future.


For those who do not want to read so much, I summarize what is exposed below.

  • Anonymity on the web.
  • Read-only wallet.
  • Address always cut off.
  • No tracking cookies.
  • Sin publicidad intrusiva.
  • Donations to support.

The main purpose for what I do this project is to learn in what I consider a web 2.5, halfway between the true web 3.0 with everything decentralized and still making use of databases being web 2.0, improving little by little the content as you learn and expand knowledge.

I want to emphasize that by wanting to be a web 3.0 I will not ask you for any personal data if you decide to register, prioritizing anonymity and without collecting unnecessary information that you want or are going to sell to third-party companies, so the only data that I keep in the registry is the public address of your Phantom wallet. It is only saved to be able to associate your wallet to other sections of the web associated with your user.

As I indicate, when accepting the conditions in Phantom, the only uses I make are reading. There will be no type of transaction that can alter amounts of any token, crypto or NFT (mainly because I don't know lol). In the future I do not rule out adding transactions (when I learn) in future improvements to the page.

Then from your user's profile you choose the information you want to share and publish, the main option being to put a nickname, although if it is not put, the first four and last four characters of your wallet will be shown. The entire wallet will NEVER be displayed even if it is a public address.

Another aspect of all this that I consider important... this website DOES NOT HAVE tracking or advertising COOKIES, only one to save the session that expires when you finish it by clicking on 'exit' or closing the page; I don't want them either, so I avoid the annoying 'accept or reject cookies' message. I am not interested in what you are looking for on the internet or your tastes or hobbies. In addition, I do not plan to advertise with 'ads' services, being the method of donations to my wallet the one chosen to support this project or banners on the sides in the old way, nothing intrusive.

User Status

Every user is cataloged on the web according to their level of "power" depending on their inventory and their contribution to the page. Depending on the level you have, you can have access to exclusive functions and pages for the rank you have. For example, if you have a ship you will be "Pilot", and if that ship has the option to add a co-pilot you can add it to your ship and the other user, if he does not have a ship (with a rank lower than Pilot) will become "Co-pilot".

  • - You just wander around the page.
  • Civil - You have entered with your wallet but you are not registered.
  • Citizen - Registration grants citizenship! (wink at a movie).
  • Worker - You don't have a ship but have accepted a position on a ship.
  • - You have accepted a pilot's request as a helper.
  • - You have a ship in your inventory.
  • - You have a ship that needs a captain.
  • - You have a ship that needs a commander.
  • Freelance - You create groups to manage your own fleet of ships (more than one ship is needed in your inventory).
  • - Same as autonomous but within a clan; you can manage ships that are not yours.
  • - Added as a helper by a Clan Leader.
  • - Clan created at the request of a user. It will be studied and validated by the page team.
  • - Added as a helper by an Alliance Leader.
  • - Creation at the request of a user. It will be studied and validated by the page team.
Organization and use of the Web

This is how the page is organized. Although the direct links to some functions appear, if you do not have the necessary level you will still not be able to enter.

Infoweb - This page :)

Contact - Send me an email if you need anything.

Meet Us - Know and understand the project.

Copyright - All information about copyright and acknowledgments.

Profile - To view and manage your user. You need to be registered to see it.

Home - Web cover.

Guides - Interesting information from various Star Atlas topics.

  • Links - List of many interesting links about the game and its ecosystem.
  • Factions - Explanation about the factions of Star Atlas.
  • Ships - Explanation about the Star Atlas ships.

Functions - Group of utilities and tools for the game and the wallet.

  • Catalog - All the ships and objects collected on this page for you to know.
  • Oracle - A ship recommender that helps you choose according to the criteria you set.
  • Refund - Shows open token accounts without units, to close and recover solanas.

Inventory - The user's ships are displayed and you can register them on the page.

  • Hangar - Option available when you register your ships on the web.
  • Store - Available option that shows the objects of the game (you have to register).
  • SCORE - Shows the staked ships you have in Star Atlas (takes time to load).
Population: 54
Ships: 1
Objects: 98
Yámik © 2022 - 2025